Have a Blessed Day!
“Have a good one!” “Have a great day!” Those are parting words from upbeat, positive, and intentionally optimistic people. Some folks are so caught up in their own world, expressing upbeat wishes to others doesn’t cross their minds. They’re all about their own agenda and trudging through their own day. If you’re one of my…
The Blessings of Sunshine and Showers
April and May showers have continued to bring us such beautiful, cooler temperatures here in Austin. I stepped out to my car and my friend’s delightful, playful, and friendly Labradoodle, Magellan, came bouncing (literally) to me. He was off his leash and he sees me. It’s like he’s taken a sunshine pill. He starts running…
Do You Feel Unnoticed?
The saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers”. But even before May, it seems they couldn’t wait to show off themselves in a blaze of glory when my family and I were driving through the Hill Country last Saturday. The bluebonnets were celebrating. I should have taken a photo of them, but I didn’t. As…
Along with the Sunshine, Comes a Little Rain
“Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have — life itself.” –Walter Anderson…
He’s Singing Over Us – Time for Us to Sing over Him
A dear friend who is an accomplished vocalist and guitarist recently tripped going up deck stairs and broke her wrist. Surgery was required and thanks be to God the surgery was a success but a hard cast plus therapy is in store for her. This precious woman has been an incredibly faithful music leader for…
Clean Up. Clean Out. Clean In.
It was Thanksgiving morning and my family were all coming in for our annual festivities. I was in the kitchen and getting my turkey ready for the oven. I walked over to my dining room table and the sun was coming in like a force-field. And, what to my wandering eyes would appear — under…
I’m Walking on Sunshine — Even in the Rain
Last week my daughter and I were at Panera Bread having a great time of “girl talk”. The sun was shining brightly when we went in, but all of a sudden we could see the winds blowing fiercely, dark clouds looming and then a torrential downpour of rain came. Yay! We needed that rain! Here…
What Difference Does a Hamburger Make?
My oncology nurse friend is all about bringing sunshine into the world. What a joy it must be for her patients who face a riveting cancer diagnosis. Her bright light intersects their darkness with hope. In addition to her nursing job, she is also a volunteer at a charitable organization that is truly a “back-up…
Living — Laughing — Loving
Isn’t that what it’s all about? Living….really living this life we’ve been given — with all its many adventures. Laughing out loud in the midst of the good living and the tough-living-times. AND, most of all LOVING God, others AND ourselves. Sure, there’s plenty to complain and worry about but, seriously, why waste time, energy…
My Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
I was awake in the night praying for my granddaughter. She was leaving on her first driving-trip alone to Austin yesterday morning. At 17 she’s a great driver, but I send off a quick text message to her: “Looks like lots of rain this morning, sweet girl. Please, please be careful and cautious. Praying angels…