Tag: symbolic

The Symbols and Mementos of a Beautiful Life

My Sweetheart went “home” on November 16, 2010. On the day after, it was already time to begin the preparations for his home going celebration. We had to do all those necessary things one must do in dealing with a loved one’s passing: go to the funeral home, choose a casket and determine burial logistics,…

By Donna Wuerch November 17, 2017 Off

What Symbols Do You Hold Dear?

When I was twelve, my boyfriend (who eventually became my husband) and I went on our first official (chaperoned) date. On my 13th birthday, he bought this pictured gold bracelet and charm for me with his savings. I still have that bracelet and charm. It has always been a SYMBOL of when we met and…

By Donna Wuerch October 26, 2016 Off