Just Take the First Step
Oh how sweet the memories of helping my children and grandchildren take their first steps. It was an achievement for them, but even more so, it was an achievement for us. Jesus understands children and He understands us. He Who created water certainly knew His ability for walking on water. Nowhere do we read about…
At Least Take the First Step
In my “No Fear” post yesterday, I shared how proud I was of my granddaughter when we were at Six Flags Over Texas. Against her initial concerns about the wild rides that were there, she conquered her fears and in fact, exceeded our greatest expectations for her. After the first ride (her first step), she…
Take the First Step
Martin Luther King said, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” I know what was at the top of those two stairs in the photo. The first set was in my home in Sapulpa, OK that I moved from four years ago. Going…