Tag: talk

Mama’s Got Game

This Mama’s “Got Game”! When someone says that about me, it means “She’s NOT just a fan watching from the sidelines or the stands -– she’s in the game, playing on the field, and not only hitting the ball – but knocking it out of the ballpark (well, at least in my imagination).” And I’ve…

By Donna Wuerch April 1, 2014 Off

Remain, or Be Raised?

Tested, tried, and proven fact: How we talk and complain, and talk and complain about our present circumstances and challenges……determines how long we’ll get to stay right there, and, if we keep it up, we’ll even get to go around the same mountain again and again and again! Remember the Israelites being stuck wandering in…

By Donna Wuerch March 23, 2014 Off