The Truth About our Identity – Part 1
As I mentioned in a previous blog, I was asked to be on a panel again as I had been at the last SHE – Girl’s Night Out at my church last year. Well, not exactly like the previous panel because there were four of us on that panel. This year, I was a panel…
Close Encounters of the Best Kind
I’m a storyteller and the best story I tell is about the very up close and personal encounter I had with Jesus when I was just eight years old. I never get tired of sharing it. It’s a short story and to the point. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was just eight…
Love God and Do Whatever You Please
This Love Month is coming to a close tomorrow. So, I need to squeeze in one more blog that accentuates God’s love for us and our love for Him. The title of this blog was a quote by St. Augustine. I thought “Did I hear that right? Do whatever I want?” How can that be?…