Tag: trust

I’ll Take a Cloud…or Two

This day a year ago I was all caught up in gratitude for the rain, cooler temperatures and the Fall season that was in the air. I spent the day getting my Fall décor out and turning my home into a place of pumpkin spice aromas and colors of oranges, yellows and browns. But, not…

By Donna Wuerch September 25, 2019 Off

He is Our Storm Chaser

Most of my posts come from my own personal life experiences with the sincere hope that what I share will encourage and even open your eyes to our great Storm Chaser. I learned some very difficult lessons the hard way so my goal is to pass along the wisdom from those lessons to give you…

By Donna Wuerch September 15, 2019 Off

Be Fearless

Fearless in these days and times? Get real, girl! Who can be fearless when from the smallest fear (like a snake in a flowerbed — that was me yesterday) to my friend’s upcoming major surgery or another friend’s livelihood being challenged after a hard fall that fractured some bones? I get it. There are plenty…

By Donna Wuerch September 5, 2019 Off

It’s a Dog-Eat-Dog World Out There

Who would have thought that some of my best “pals” these days are dogs. It comes with my territory and my family. There’s my grand-dogs: Buddy, the 75-pound Australian Shepherd and Emma, the 4-pound Yorkie, who, I happen to be their caregiver right now while their family is out of town. I get a kick…

By Donna Wuerch July 30, 2019 Off