Tag: unforgiveness

What Have You Tolerated Far Too Long?

As a follow-up to Dolly’s “dumb blonde” joke and story from my blog yesterday, I thought I’d share one of mine. A blonde tells her doctor that her body hurts wherever she touches it. She touches her knee and yelps. Touches her ankle and shrieks. Touches her elbow and screams. The doctor looks at her…

By Donna Wuerch December 7, 2019 Off

LOVE Forgives

Yesterday, my post was about apologizing, saying AND meaning those words, “I’m so sorry!” Today’s is the reciprocating action…..being fast to forgive. How is that possible when we may have been hurt so deeply? I’ve read many incredible stories about people who forgave in the most heart-wrenching situations, especially when forgiving would seem so unnecessary…

By Donna Wuerch February 24, 2016 Off