Tag: voice

We’ve Been Entrusted

Entrusted – I saw that word in an email yesterday morning. It motivated me to blog about it. To entrust is to give someone a responsibility that we assume they will fulfill. If we entrust someone with the task of getting us to an appointment on time, we best make sure they are punctual. Entrusting…

By Donna Wuerch April 23, 2024 0

Anyone Seen My Phone?

I know it’s here, somewhere, but where? I misplaced my phone AGAIN! I’ve been so tempted to get a landline just so it would help me find my phone. When I lived in Frisco, I went over to a neighbor’s and asked them to call me so I could hear my phone ringing. I know…

By Donna Wuerch June 25, 2021 Off

I’ll Take a Cloud…or Two

This day a year ago I was all caught up in gratitude for the rain, cooler temperatures and the Fall season that was in the air. I spent the day getting my Fall décor out and turning my home into a place of pumpkin spice aromas and colors of oranges, yellows and browns. But, not…

By Donna Wuerch September 25, 2019 Off

Hearing God’s Voice is a Hot Topic

Wikipedia defines GOD’S VOICE as: The voice of God, in Judaism and Christianity, is a “heavenly or divine voice which proclaims God’s will or judgment.” No doubt, by now, I’m sure you’ve heard “The View’s” co-host Joy Behar’s inconceivable words about Vice President Mike Pence’s faith. “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another…

By Donna Wuerch February 23, 2018 Off

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now? Remember Maxwell Smart in the “Get Smart” series — speaking into his shoe “Can you hear me?” And that line is also from the cell phone commercial that indicates bad cell coverage. But, I wonder how many times we’ve used that line with our kids. “I said for the 3rd,…

By Donna Wuerch October 18, 2016 Off

Only Listen to the RIGHT Voices!

I did my flight training at a small airport in Cleveland, OK. Getting my pilot’s license was my husband’s idea. Since we often flew cross country with our children on board, he felt it important that I should, at least be able to land the plane….just in case the unthinkable happened to him. He was…

By Donna Wuerch June 9, 2014 Off

His Sheep Listen to His Voice

Funny cartoon — but, the message is clear and VERY real to our lives. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” (John 10:27) . Wonder if He had in mind how difficult “listening for His voice” would be in 2014? And, more than ever, we really need…

By Donna Wuerch May 17, 2014 Off

Seize the Moments

I’m loving this season of my life, and I’m doing my best to seize the moments, and most of all, to live with no regrets. You’ll see me with my phone in hand — not so much to answer a call, but to be ready to “capture that moment” so that I “have no regrets” about…

By Donna Wuerch May 4, 2014 Off

Can You Hear Me Now?

God is calling…..”Can you hear me now?”, He says. I have this really awesome connection with God. He walks with me and talks with me. And, He tells me all kinds of things I need to hear and know. No, a booming voice does not call down from on high, and there’s no handwriting on…

By Donna Wuerch February 24, 2014 Off