Dear friends of mine recently moved to Austin and my community. We share a “buddy” system when it comes to our faith and determination. We need those kinds of relationships with those who believe God and His Word – especially during challenging times. My friends have had some health issues but have stayed the course…
Is Your Prayer Closet Cluttered?
The answer to that question for me is “Yes, it is!” Now, I live in a downsized apartment and every closet is filled to the brim. So, I don’t really have a prayer closet. I have a prayer chair. It’s my cozy-down place, often taking a little shut-eye there, watching some TV there, but more…
Time for Strategic, Tactical Prayers
I once had a “prayer space”– in the early years of our marriage when finances were slim and the challenges we faced seemed insurmountable, but going into my closet (my war room), I was able to not only pray about being able to stand in the midst of the battle, but I received strategies straight…
The Battle Difference Maker? A War Room
Day 248 of Photo Inspirations — The Battle Difference Maker? A War Room Last night our Life Group went to see War Room. It was so worth being out in the pouring rain to make the trek across Tulsa. Big bonus for us — recliner seats — would have been way too comfy if it…