Fighting our Battles on our Own
Imagine. We’re on a boat drifting down a calm river. Suddenly, the wind picks up. Waves begin tossing us around. Boatloads of water are coming in the boat. In a panic, we grab a bucket and start scooping water overboard as fast as we can. We’re sweating and wearing ourselves out, convinced that if we…
Harbor of Hope
As we set foot in Bar Harbor, Maine — yay — back in the U.S.A. — we were greeted by the crisp ocean breeze and the stunning views of Frenchman Bay. This charming town had a way of weaving its beauty through our senses. The sound of the waves gently lapping against the shore, the…
Good Times Never End
My inspiring, exotic adventures in Cabo in nearing the end! Basking in the beauty of God’s creation never ceases to amaze me. I’m always grateful to be a part of these experiences where we eat well, enjoy special entertainment places exclusive to this area, laugh at the hilarious antics of my grandchildren, the many ocean…