Tag: wisdom

The Mountain and the Ocean

Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell once sang, “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” but on Sunday, Carl and I had to admit — some mountains (and even hills) are, in fact, too high! I’ve made the climb to the lighthouse and chapel on El Encanto (to love) many times, but this time, wisdom (and my marathon-worn…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 18, 2025 Off

Bring the Inside Out

Everywhere I turn, I see more and more advertisements about renewing our youth. “Reduce those lines and wrinkles! Become a new you! Guaranteed success or your money back! I’ve yielded to their promises and purchased some of those products. In fact, my cosmetic shelves look like a Walgreen’s. I’d like to tell you that, as…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 6, 2025 Off

The Day After the Inauguration

Yesterday I woke with fresh optimism about what our future holds for us. Was it because we hoped and prayed President Trump will make positive, healthy, morally, and biblically sound decisions that will unify and protect our country, turn our hearts to God, and “make us great again”? We can hope and pray, can’t we?…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 21, 2025 Off

Honoring Sacrifice, Unity, and Hope

I’ve been looking forward to this day! We commemorate two pivotal moments in our nation’s history: Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the Presidential Inauguration Day. Each carries profound significance, not only for the leaders we honor but also for the path forward they inspire in all of us. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 20, 2025 Off

Worship = Blessings

I promise — just one more thought about the Wise Men! What amazes me most about their story is this: after worshiping the newborn King, “…being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way.” (Matthew 2:12). That verse carries two powerful truths. First,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 12, 2025 Off

A New Morning — A New Hope

Good morning, friends. I wrote this blog last night — not knowing what tomorrow would hold. But, I believe we can wake up to a country ready to move forward. No matter who holds office, we can be assured of one truth that stands above it all: God is still on His throne. His plans…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 6, 2024 Off

We are Not a DIY Project

Life is full of moments when we roll up our sleeves and tackle things on our own — kind of like a do-it-yourself project. I’ve had plenty of those projects that required the right number of nails, bolts, right sized boards, paint, etc. etc. Sometimes the project ended with giving me a sense of accomplishment.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 11, 2024 Off

Wisdom for all Ages

Let me take you back in time to our cattle ranching days — a little piece of paradise, with about 75 black Angus cattle under our care. I was the designated “helper” when it came to vaccinating, castrating, and tagging our young bovines. Not the most glamorous job, but someone had to do it! One…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 20, 2024 Off

God is My Pilot

Remember the bumper sticker: “God is my co-pilot”? While well-intended, it misses the mark. If we’re in the pilot seat, we’re bound to veer off course. Letting God lead is the only way to navigate life’s journey successfully. Better said is “Jesus, take the wheel!” A Co-Pilot is not in charge! By saying God is…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 7, 2024 Off