It’s Worth the Investment But God Gets the Credit!
Happy Birthday to my Staci Wallace! This is a big one – 55! I checked it out. At 55, you’re in what experts call “middle adulthood” – the era between 40 and 65, which often marks some of life’s biggest achievements and shifts. Yes-sir-ee! That has been the case for YOU! For you, turning 55…
A New Morning — A New Hope
Good morning, friends. I wrote this blog last night — not knowing what tomorrow would hold. But, I believe we can wake up to a country ready to move forward. No matter who holds office, we can be assured of one truth that stands above it all: God is still on His throne. His plans…
We are Not a DIY Project
Life is full of moments when we roll up our sleeves and tackle things on our own — kind of like a do-it-yourself project. I’ve had plenty of those projects that required the right number of nails, bolts, right sized boards, paint, etc. etc. Sometimes the project ended with giving me a sense of accomplishment.…