Tag: wisdom

Pastor Jonathan Spencer’s Wisdom

Last Sunday, Pastor Jonathan’s message set my feet to dancing and my heart to singing God’s praises. His sermon was on wisdom—a subject we all should embrace. The Apostle James speaks about true wisdom and fake wisdom, getting right to the heart of the matter in James 3:13: “Who is wise and understanding among you?…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 25, 2024 Off

A Wisdom Diploma

What if all those students who recently graduated had taken “wisdom” courses that gave them the keys for a life of success — no matter what profession they chose? For sure, those wisdom courses would have helped us avoid the School of Hard Knocks! That’s a school we go to without realizing we enrolled. Despite…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 5, 2024 Off

Prayer – As Natural As Breathing

Seems like God has me on a Prayer Enlightenment Journey, and it’s popping up everywhere, just like those white cars you start noticing the minute you buy one. I get it, Lord, I hear you loud and clear. Apparently, it’s time to amp up my communication with God! I’ll be straight with you, I’ve never…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 30, 2024 Off

Giants — Everywhere!

I know how it feels when my circumstances are looming over me like a hulking, colossal GIANT who is fierce, beyond my capability. He is throwing every negative word of doubt and unbelief imaginable my way. He is taunting, harassing, smack-talking and my faith is challenged like crazy. Maybe that sounds like some things you’re…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 20, 2024 Off

A Brand New Life

Last June, my son’s family’s precious 14-year-old Havanese, Bentley, went to doggy heaven. We closed that chapter of caring for him and making him feel comfortable, but the love for him will never leave us. We’ll forever cherish the precious memories of Bentley growing up with my four Wuerch grandsons. It really is like losing…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 25, 2024 Off

Wisdom from Trial and Error

Of all the things that we did wrong, we did some things right. For example – in teaching our children to be brave, faith-filled, optimistic, daring, strong and responsible human beings. I’d like to think that my young husband and I did everything right, but without a doubt, a lot fell through the cracks because…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 31, 2023 Off

Enjoying Billowy Cloud Cover

Our trip to East Texas and Epiphany Ranch didn’t disappoint! We took advantage of the wonderful, somewhat cooler temperatures. We went to see my sweet cousin, Mary Ellen Snow, who moved to Tyler, TX from Frisco, TX. We were neighbors in Frisco, buds in Tulsa and Dallas before that. It looks like the cousins still…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 29, 2023 Off

The Man and the Legend

It is an honor, on this 9th day of June, to celebrate my “other” son. Yes, I have one son by birth and the “other” son was God’s gift to my daughter, Staci, their two children, Payton and Alexia, ME and so many others look up to him, his wisdom, and his tender and loving…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 9, 2023 Off