Tag: Won’t you be my neighbor?

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

I’m continuing on in my “We Need Each Other” campaign. I was inspired recently when I ran across a FB post that asked, “Remember this guy?” with a photo of this sharp looking, well-dressed man. Yes, I remember this really cool dude that greeted us daily on TV, Mr. Rogers. I apologize to you young’uns’…

By Donna Wuerch June 12, 2018 Off

Who’s Your Neighbor?

Remember the really cool dude that greeted us daily on TV, Mr. Rogers? Today, he’d have to come packaged as a rapper or be able to hip hop dance for us to think him “cool”. BTW — the word “cool” is still in — I checked! Mr. Rogers sang this to us: “It’s a beautiful…

By Donna Wuerch June 3, 2016 Off