Tag: worries

My Redeemer’s Hands

We read several devotions daily, plus we read a chapter from the Bible. A few days ago we read Psalm 31. As we read, my spirit was quickened by David’s plight as He was praying in distress, but fully trusting in God. He prayed Psalm 31:5 — “Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver…

By Donna Wuerch April 4, 2024 Off

Welcome to my Wild Frontier!

Maybe not the frontier, but it’s sure been wild at my place. I have felt like Annie Oakley in my determination to rid my home of an outlaw squirrel. This wildlife adventure began several weeks ago when I heard scratching outside my window. I went out to my patio and saw all kinds of wood…

By Donna Wuerch February 16, 2019 Off