Tag: wrinkles

Bring the Inside Out

Everywhere I turn, I see more and more advertisements about renewing our youth. “Reduce those lines and wrinkles! Become a new you! Guaranteed success or your money back! I’ve yielded to their promises and purchased some of those products. In fact, my cosmetic shelves look like a Walgreen’s. I’d like to tell you that, as…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 6, 2025 Off

All is Vanity

I spend way too much time looking at myself in the mirror. Lord, have mercy! My mother is looking back at me! The aging struggle is real. Usually, these days, I take a good quick look at who is staring back at me because the girl I once was, is long gone. But then, I…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 11, 2024 Off

You are FABulous!

Just a little reminder….just in case you don’t like what you see in the mirror — there is really only one opinion that matters…..and if God sees you FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL ….then you are FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL indeed! We ARE beautiful because God says we are — “PERIOD.” When we walk in that kind of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 26, 2014 Off