The Noble Bench
Nestled in the heart of East Texas, beneath expansive skies where fish leap from the lake and hummingbirds dance in the air, lies our treasured Epiphany Ranch, home to our kids, Larry and Staci. This slice of heaven on earth encases the beauty and serenity of God’s creation, making it our sweet spot for heaven…
Deferring to God’s Will Be Done — Not Mine
All nestled in at my home won’t stop several of my beloved friends to come over to meet together tonight. We will come together as sisters in Christ and I’m quite assured of the fact — “Where two or three are gathered together in His name — He is in the midst of us!” (Matthew…
Life is a Balancing Act
I hold these photos so dear to my heart. It was eleven years ago and one of those times when my husband and I were visiting our son and family in Seattle. We made the most of every minute that we were there. Imagination ran rampant and Papa and Nana joined in with vigor and…