Take Me Out to the Ballgame
My dreams came true. We’ve always been a fan of any of our grandchildren’s pursuits in life and did our best to not miss any of them. We didn’t want to miss anything they were competing at, but most seasons – they lived in different states and we could only follow them by their parents’ quick calls or texts. We were at many of our two oldest grandsons’ sports competitions – from baseball and football to karate and wrestling even though they lived a distance from us. Then, I spent many years going to my Frisco grands’ speech and debate competitions. I loved every minute of it. In fact, I was a judge at their competitions and travelled to their regional and national competitions with them.

Now, I’m on point, and on location to be at my two youngest grands’ games. Brennan is the baseball and football player. Bryson is also a football player. I’m living the dream. In no less than three days here in Austin, we took a two-hour drive to Fredericksburg, TX to attend Brennan’s baseball games this weekend. As far as the weather was concerned, it was dismal – rain and cold that produced delay of games and a cancellation of a game. But, nonetheless, I was in my zone. Filled with pride and joy not just with my “champ” — the name his Papa called him at birth — but the family bonding and hearing my son tell me, tearfully, “Mom, I can’t tell you how happy I am that you are here!” Be still my heart!

My main take-away from this weekend was watching the true grit of the players, coaches and even the fans – me included. Of course, the players had put in the practice, the workouts, and the mental toughness to prevail as winners. We showed up bearing umbrellas, gloves, sunflower seeds, boots and rain gear and supporting our teams with encouragement and being on stand-by for anything they needed. All that is impressive, and quite frankly, should be the way we live our lives – determined to give our best and live our best lives in every way. But, honestly, the main take-away for me was watching the teamwork during the adverse weather conditions. Teams that were in full-on competitive mode came together to cover the pitchers’ and batters’ mounds. I saw in that a great visual of the way we should be as God’s kids. Sure, we compete in business endeavors, in sports, politics, pageants, science fairs, family games, etc. We’ve gotten so consumed with being right and being the winner that we’ve forgotten about being IN LOVE. That’s right! We are supposed to be in love with each other.

God’s love trumps all! I’m thinking of ways that we can join our hands and hearts together — greater than “What’s in it for me?” What if we began to pray and humble ourselves to become servants that live a life of one-another-living? “What can I do for you? What can I do for the cause? What can I do for the team? What can I do for others that helps them to win?” We’re ALL on the same team — we’re God’s kids, and we represent our Father Who will win and win BIG TIME!
“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are My disciples.” John 13:35