Take Up Arms and Be Hope Bearers

Take Up Arms and Be Hope Bearers

September 11, 2019 Off By Donna Wuerch

I’m wide awake at 2:00 am. I determine it’s a gentle call from my Father. He is wanting my undivided attention. It’s the perfect time for us to collaborate. He speaks to my heart through His Word and as I prepare my blog to post in a few hours, I see my dear friend’s post which includes her beloved mother’s words about this day – 9/11. How could this day have slipped my mind when it was such a pivotal day in America’s history? This is the day to never be forgotten because of the lives that were lost and the heroes who did what no one thought possible. We remember sacrifice. We remember courage. We remember greatness. And, following in our Master’s footsteps, we choose to love our neighbor, to love our enemies, and to forgive. C.S. Lewis put it beautifully. “To be a Christian,” he wrote, “is to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven it in us.” We hold forgiveness in our hearts, as we remember that love is greater than hate; that hope is stronger than despair; that vengeance is no match for forgiveness.

Rather than posting the blog that I prepared yesterday, I am encouraged to re-post these compelling words written by my dear friend’s (Sheila Michie) mom, Kathryn Grant. She wrote this on 9/11/2003 – two years after the horrific event. Sheila was led to share it with us today. Kathryn’s still relevant words are a “call to arms and I am led to share them, too, because the call remains to ‘take up arms’ and to be hope bearers in this world.

“The heart of our nation has not fully healed since the tragedy of 9/11. The grief of the victims’ families has not been assuaged, nor has the magnitude of their loss been minimized by the passage of time. Indeed, the intervening months have brought more violence and death around the globe, in spite of enormous outlays of money and arms at the disposal of those who seek peace and do not find it.

Meanwhile, there is an opportunity that begs the attention of we older citizens to ‘take up arms’-, our own -, that is, to put our arms around the children and young people of this nation. We have lived through a succession of wars and civil upheavals; we have seen the fall of Communism and Fascism; we have seen an earlier culture turned upside down by radical changes of every kind. We have lost loved ones, family and peers. By virtue of age and experience, we are singularly qualified to be hope bearers. Like the canaries sent down into the mine shafts to test for any toxicity, we bring good news that all is well. Not even the monstrous blow of 9/11 can bring us to our knees, except in prayer.

So, my, dear brothers and sisters of faith, we are called to a challenging “war effort.” Our weapons are our collective voices of reassurance to our children, grandchildren, all who have lost hope for the future of our beloved country which we have historically called ‘invincible.’ One of us repeating Jesus’ words, ‘Be not afraid’ is good, but when we collaborate, the collective power of our voices can turn the tide of events as they unfold. We are people of prayer. How else does one survive what we have been through in our long lives? And prayer will be our greatest weapon in bringing hope to the hopeless. The dues in our organization will be steep requiring millions of prayers for the balance of our lives for our loved ones, and others all over the world who yearn for peace and security. We will be one voice for one people!”

Thank you, Lord, for waking me up this morning to be fine-tuned to your voice through Sheila’s and Kathryn’s voices. May we be people of faith and prayer – one voice for one people! We will heed the call to take up arms and be hope bearers!