Thank You, God, for My GPS

Thank You, God, for My GPS

April 8, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

When I am exercising on elliptical equipment or taking road trips, I often pass the time by listening to audiobooks. Right now, I’m listening to Christian Author Janet Oke’s audiobooks. Most all her works are stories from the early 1900’s. I hear the tales of those days when conveniences like telephones and cars were just being invented and find myself in awe of how people had to ride a horse for miles to “fetch” the doctor when a baby was about to be born or any other emergency. No phones for calling. No cars for speed.

Yesterday I read my Chronological Bible readings from the Book of Ruth, Chapter 1. Ruth, and Naomi, her mother-in-law, traveled on rugged and steep terrain from Moab to Bethlehem by foot for 50 miles which would have taken about 7 to 10 days. Lord, have mercy! My trip to Rusk, Texas took 3-1/2 hours (180 miles).

I count my “blessed” stars that I live in this century where we are consumed with high-tech conveniences. As I listen to the pioneer stories and read the Bible stories, still, I hear gratitude in those who had so little – the rain, the food on their tables, their animals, each other. I listen and honestly must ask for forgiveness for complaining about anything. We are so blessed to live in this time.

And that brings me to how grateful I am for my GPS system. It’s hard to imagine navigating the highways and roads in Austin without my GPS. And, for that matter, with me taking to the roads in my many travels by myself, I don’t know that I would be quite so confident and assured.

That voice from my GPS knows where to go and even redirects me if I take the wrong road. When I make my treks to East Texas to Epiphany Ranch and my children there, I must take lots of two-lane roads. I applaud Waze – the phone app I use to get me where I need to go. In fact, this last trip, it helped me shave off about 20 minutes when it offered me a faster route.

Well, that’s the “brag” when I’m paying attention to the voice. But, if I get distracted by a phone call, like on my return trip home, I missed my exit. I realized it too late and had to travel for miles before I could turn around to get back on track.

Back to that time and brain saving GPS system. And, more importantly, back to focus and being present in the moment and not allowing distractions to keep us from our destinations. The most sophisticated directional technology in the world is not much help if we don’t use it and follow its directions.

Of course – all that analogy pales in comparison to the voice of God. That voice that guides and directs us when we tune-in to His frequency. The voice that guides, directs, and protects us in our journeys. Our most supreme, sovereign, all-knowing God is always speaking to us – always giving us wisdom and directions. But, like my GPS voice that I don’t pay attention to when I’m distracted, so it is with God’s voice.

I heard God’s voice in that audiobook. I heard God’s voice in the scripture readings. I heard God’s voice even in the hassle of missing an exit on my trip. The sum of all that is the ah-ha of this blog today. When we simply pay attention to God’s voice and follow His instructions, then, there will be no question about getting lost or off the roads He has designed for us. He’ll ensure we’ll get to where we need to go and in His perfect timing!! He might even give us a story that will be a blessing to others!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and HE will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6