Thanksgiving Starts with THANK YOU!

Thanksgiving Starts with THANK YOU!

November 27, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, but why wait to start giving thanks? Happy Thanksgiving to all my wonderful social media friends and family! THANK YOU for shining brightly with God’s love and encouraging me along the way. You are such a blessing to me!

As a kid, did your mom or dad ever nudge you with a gentle, “Now, what do you say?” when you received a gift? It wasn’t about the tap; it was about training our hearts to overflow with gratitude. And oh, how proud they were when we didn’t need the reminder!

Fast forward to today, and it’s easy to breeze past those moments. A store clerk hands us a bag, a waiter refills our glass, a loved one calls to see how we’re doing — we nod, smile, and move on. But gratitude, real gratitude, is meant to stop us in our tracks.

It was the same in Jesus’ day. Remember the ten men with leprosy? Desperate for healing, they cried out, and Jesus gave them the ultimate gift: restoration. Their skin transformed as they obeyed His words to show themselves to the priests. Imagine their joy — no more isolation, no more pain! But here’s the catch: only one came back.

That one man threw himself at Jesus’ feet, praising Him with a loud voice. Only one out of ten paused long enough to say, “Thank You.” (Luke 17:15-16) What about the others? Were they too busy celebrating their healing to acknowledge the Healer?

Gratitude isn’t just good manners; it’s life-changing. It refocuses our hearts, aligns us with God’s blessings, and refreshes our souls. As we gather around our tables this Thanksgiving, let’s learn from that one man. Pause. Look someone in the eye. Say, “Thank you!”

And most importantly, let’s thank our Heavenly Father. Lord, forgive us when we forget to acknowledge Your goodness. Thank You for saving us, forgiving us, and blessing us in ways we don’t deserve.

Thank You for Your mercy that follows us all the days of our lives. Let’s not wait for a nudge. Let’s shout it loud: Thank You, Lord!