That Precious Rocking Chair

That Precious Rocking Chair

October 4, 2024 2 By Donna Wuerch Noble

I no longer have a rocking chair because its usefulness was over, but it meant the world to me at one time. Oh, the joy I experienced in that rocker. I sat and rocked in it and sang sweet love songs to each of my babies and grandbabies.

I’d kiss their soft cheeks and take deep breaths as I smelled that heaven-scent aroma on them. I’d pray for their little lives to be filled with the love and grace of God. They’d drift off to sleep as I cuddled them so close – and often, I’d fall asleep, too. It was almost a holy, sacred place of complete peace and serenity.

I’m sure that many of you who are reading this blog today, remember those sweetest of times rocking your little ones.

Well, not only have I ridded myself of the rocking chair I had for my babies (my own and my grands), I am purposing daily to get rid of the not-so-precious “worry” rocking chair.

In the words of the great philosopher, Erma Bombeck, “Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.”

From firsthand experience, I can tell you that statement is true. I’ve done my share of worrying, and to this day, it has NEVER gotten me anywhere! I realized that worrying is a time waster, energy sucker, stomach nauseater, and a depression maker — not to mention, that I disappointed God when I was a “Worry Wart”.

Worry Wart: someone who worries too much. Worst of all, being a worrier is admitting that we’re not trusting God to take care of the situations in our lives.

God knows that one of the greatest “joy stealers” in our lives is worry. That’s why He reminds us not to worry and to trust Him completely. Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 “Therefore I tell you, DO NOT BE ANXIOUS ABOUT YOUR LIFE.” That doesn’t sound like a suggestion, but a commandment from God.

Sometimes….as stalwart as we may be in professing to have great faith, and trusting in God implicitly, we are still vulnerable to the lies of the enemy. But thanks be to God, like rebooting a computer, we can do a “reboot” on our minds and remember what we know to be true.

“Cast the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares for you.” (I Peter 5:6, 7).

I love that image! In that scripture, it means CASTING the cares — all of them, on Him….and NOT reeling them back in. We CAST them to Him….and let go of them.

I’m learning my lessons well. When worry starts knocking on my door…..I do my best to quickly put mind on HIM who is my worry-bearer. “Him I will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me” (Isaiah 26:3).

I quickly go get in my precious “peace” rocker and I cast the cares, the worries and pressures on Him — after all HE is the Prince of Peace so why should we worry or fret?

What rocking chair are you rocking in today? A chair of peace and serenity or the chair of worry – that gets you nowhere. I’m choosing the peace chair! How about