The Beauty of Adoption

The Beauty of Adoption

June 19, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

I have dear friends whose lives have been blessed to have adopted a child even after they had biological children of their own. That was my Carl and his wife. They had one daughter and four years later, God blessed them with an infant daughter through adoption. I love this photo of him dancing with both of his girls, when at a recent family wedding, the DJ called for dads to dance with their daughters. Precious moments.

I recently read a USA Today story about a couple who had tried for three years to adopt their little girl. David and Christine West had been waiting to finalize Brianna’s adoption.

After the emotional moment when it was finalized, the family was greeted by a surprise gathering of Brianna’s teachers and students outside the courtroom, waiting to celebrate.

Brianna’s biological parents were David’s best friend, Brian, and Christine’s first cousin, Catherene. Brian and Catherene were tragically killed three years ago in a car accident. David said, “I made a promise to him that we would take care of Brianna if something ever happened to them”…and it did.

Through every moment of Brianna’s recovery, David and Christine were right by her side. Under their care, Brianna became healthy again and started the proceedings to adopt her. Brianna found wonderful friends and a support network at her Kiddie Kampus pre-school.

For David, this adoption was his chance to pass on the love he received from his own parents. As an adoptee himself, he always remembered being treated with love and care. Now, he cherishes the little moments with Brianna and sees them as opportunities to show her how to love. “When I walk in the door from work, she comes running up and gives me a hug!”

As I read that story, I realized with newfound clarity that the miracle of adoption started with the One who invented it. He is the One who will leave the 99 to retrieve the one lost sheep. It’s amazing to think that God has already ordained each detail of a child’s life before that child is born, whether that child is a child by adoption or a child by birth.

Adoption is a testament to love that transcends biology, showing that a family is built on heart and soul, not just DNA. When a child finds their forever home, it’s more than just a change of address. It’s a change of destiny.

I don’t take the nudges God gives me lightly. This couple’s story touched me so much that I sensed this blog coming. I don’t know for whom it is God’s will to adopt, but I am confident that God only works with one plan, and that is His divine plan, established before the foundation of the world. I believe He predestined each child’s life. Could God’s Spirit of adoption be nudging you?