The Big 2-1 is Here!
Happy Birthday to my one-of-kind, amazing, hilarious, talented, quick-witted and so loved grandson, Payton Wallace! The BIG 2-1 at last! These 21 years have been full of wonder, adventure, and watching how quickly our sweet boy grew up and loved life so passionately. In the early years, we found out that he loved the great outdoors, fishing, playing the piano and being a collector of baseball and football cards and marketing them to the highest bidder.

Then the years brought more wonder and wandering than we could have ever imagined. Besides becoming an entrepreneur at an early age repairing and selling cell phones and being a collector of coins, he grew up — front and center as a champion in speech and debate competitions, then onto marketing real estate and investments and earned other accolades, successes and many achievements — more than most accomplish in a lifetime.

The outdoor life, adventuring, traveling and meeting new people to interview and gain knowledge from has been his way of life. HIs piano playing, love for fishing and now, flying, took after his Papa (my husband). His love for his Papa is obvious. He gets more like him all the time. This year he bought a Tesla and has driven miles upon miles across the country. He has been to 36 states out of 50 and this year proposes to complete traveling to them all. Payton is a free spirit who loves competition in game play, business, and sports. He is quick-witted and cannot be outsmarted. His cognitive abilities are incredible as he scrutinizes and analyzes until he has the answer to whatever question. He is my go-to guy for technology answers.

Payton is a free spirit who loves competition in game play, business opportunities, sports of all kinds and games of all kinds. His cognitive abilities are incredible as he scrutinizes and analyzes until he has the answer to whatever question. He is my go-to guy for technology answers. I can count on him for a quick fix to technology issues.

Payton is NOT a status-quo kind-of-guy. He sets his own goals and exceeds them. Payton is an incredible realtor. In fact he sold my home in just two days. He is an investor. But above everything I’ve said here — he is a true friend. He doesn’t speak negatively about anyone who has done him wrong. He has been quick to tell, even me….”Nana, let it go!” But most of all, He loves God with all his heart. Seeing him lift his hands and heart in praise and worship blesses my heart so much. He is unashamed of his faith and commitment to God. He knows where his giftings come from.

I’d like to tell you that his life has been pain-free and concern-free, but that is not the case. How soon many of us quit during painful times. We never achieve the goal or dream because we weren’t able to endure the pain OR the process. That is not the case with Payton. He pushes through to the finish line. And speaking of finish lines — he is in flight training right now — another one of Papa’s loves, as well as his dad’s grandfather who was a fighter pilot in World War II. What is really so precious is Payton’s dad has joined him and they are in flight school together. I loved watching both of them fly on Sunday. Their flight instructor, a great friend, said, “Embrace this training time and learn big in it. Enjoy the ride to the ride!” Payton seems to go the way that’s harder because he knows that his life will be better and easier over the long haul because he made himself do the thing he didn’t want to do but did!

This post will not bless you just by reading it, but it might encourage you to analyze your own life scenarios and begin to consciously choose short term pain = long term gain. Remember. Short term pain is just that. Short term. It is so worth it — for the long term gain. Happy 21 to Payton! And happy whatever number you are! Payton is pulling out all the stops to get the most and do the most with his life. We should too. This is the only life on earth we’ll ever get. Why not live it with no regrets?
I love you so much, Payton Cole Wallace! Happy 21!!