The Demise of the Worry Wart

The Demise of the Worry Wart

June 6, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

A worry wart is someone who tends to spend way too much time on – well…worrying — having anxious thoughts about this and that. That’s most often not me! I don’t let myself go there. But, still, there are people issues, car issues, financial issues, and health issues that creep in our minds that trouble our souls.

This little “issue” of mine sounds trivial. I had been to my dentist for my check-up and had a good report. But, over the next few days, I noticed my teeth felt a little gritty. I brushed and brushed, but it didn’t change. Then, yesterday, I noticed the brush on my electric toothbrush was worn out. I put in a new brush, brushed my teeth and whoa-la — clean, smooth teeth!

What was the concern about? All it took was the changing of a toothbrush. The same was true when, at night, my car’s indoor light wouldn’t come on. Trust me, you want AND need an indoor car light in the darkness at my children’s ranch in East Texas. It bugged me, but I didn’t do anything about it.

I’ve driven my car for two years and never thought to ask about it when I took it in for its check-up – because in the daytime it wasn’t a problem. But this time I remembered to ask and it was as simple as a button on my rear view mirror. “And then there was LIGHT!”

I know both “issues” sound so trivial when others have major troubles and concerns. Mine are simply “annoyances” that make me sound like a worry wart.

Oh, I know that perfect peace comes from keeping my mind on our Peacemaker, but annoyances trouble our peaceful minds that seem to take a detour around peace.

It’s amazing, when as a devoted follower of Christ, that I could be a worry wart! But then, into that place comes a God-whisper in my heart that reminds me of Luke 12:25 “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”

Who of us by worrying can make the bills go away, the sickness be healed, the stress be relieved, the marriage be restored, the lost data reappear, the washer get fixed, the project turn out right?

Oh, the lessons I learn daily. Thanks God! I needed this lesson today. And, Jesus, in all His gentleness and kindness, His extravagant mercy and grace, takes my “mole-hill” issues, the “mountain” issues AND even the “chips” off my shoulders. How often do I think everything depends on me, instead of letting go and letting Him bear my little crosses.

The truth is – Jesus not only bore THE cross for our redemption, He also bore it for our everyday concerns and worries. We have a choice to trust in our Someone Who cares about it all. Our part is to choose trusting and letting it go.

Here’s what we can rest in today: The only One Who bears the weight of the whole world on His shoulders is strong enough to carry all our little pebble-sized worries and concerns. How sweet it is to trust in Jesus and to let Him be the worry-bearer and the wart-remover!

“Why am I so sad? Why am I so troubled? I will put my hope in God, and once again I will praise Him, my Savior, and my God.” Psalm 42:5