The Joy of a Hope and Faith-Filled Child
Today is the second Sunday of Advent. Last Sunday the theme was HOPE, and today, the second lit candle on the Advent Wreath represents FAITH! And for a little personal emphasis, those hope and faith themes are so appropriate today because it’s my hope-filled and faith-filled daughter’s birthday!
Oh how thrilled I was 50 years ago today to welcome my baby girl, Staci Michelle, into this world. To this day, this baby girl who grew up physically and spiritually into a powerful, faith-filled woman of God, is still a little girl in so many ways. I’m quite sure the enemy runs in terror, while her Heavenly Father does a high-five to His heavenly team, when she wakes up each morning. She has spring in her step, joy in her soul, faith in believing nothing is impossible with God (NOTHING), dreaming what would seem impossible dreams, and dancing to the tune of a different Drummer.

And, we called her Staci Michelle (resurrection life; like God). We were definitely connected to heaven when that name was given to us. She has proven both names in the way she is consistently bringing Christ’s resurrection life to others and, on so many levels, is like God in her love for people and love for seeing them come to know His Son and experience His abundant life.
This blog came to me when several of us took evangelizing to a whole new level by taking to the streets of Frisco on Main. This will be our third week, carrying carry signs that say “God loves you”, “Need prayer?”, “Honk if you love Jesus!”, “Be the Light”, etc. Staci was the one hopping and dancing around with her sign which was a magnet for those who needed and wanted prayer. She posted herself at the entrance of a store or gas station that gave the drivers the ability to pull over and ask. One lady, in tears, said “If only my mom would have seen your signs, she might be alive today.” She went on to tell Staci – her mother, father and sibling all committed suicide. Another asked for prayer for her family and another asked for prayer for having a baby, after two miscarriages. People need hope and my girl (I still call her a girl, after all, I still refer to her as my baby, is up to the task of giving it to them.

This blog came to me when several of us took evangelizing to a whole new level by taking to the streets of Frisco on Main. This will be our third week, carrying signs that say “God loves you”, “Need prayer?”, “Honk if you love Jesus!”, “Be the Light”, etc. Staci was the one hopping and dancing around with her sign which was a magnet for those who needed and wanted prayer. She posted herself at the entrance of a store or gas station that gave the drivers the ability to pull over and ask. One lady, in tears, said “If only my mom would have seen your signs, she might be alive today.” She went on to tell Staci – her mother, father and sibling all committed suicide. Another asked for prayer for her family and, after two miscarriages, another asked for prayer to have a baby. People need hope and my girl (she’s still my baby) is up to the task of giving it to them.
I could tell you so many other things about my girl, but I’ll segue to my scripture readings in Isaiah recently that spoke of a little child leading them. And then in Luke 10, Jesus spoke of being childlike. I think about this time of the year and what being childlike looks like. They’re excited for the Christmas programs they may be performing at school. They may be excited about seeing Santa Claus at the mall but most of all, they’re excited about Christmas Eve and Christmas morning when all kinds of gifts await them. They can hardly wait.

This beautiful season of Advent is the opportunity for us to be childlike too. For us to anticipate the joy of our Savior who was born for us and for our salvation. We can get excited as we ponder and prepare for the coming of our Lord — both in the remembrance of His coming to earth as a baby and for His return to this earth someday soon. Let’s be full of the abundant life Christ came to give us and let’s be full of resurrection life that draws others to Christ and His goodness and mercy.
“And if the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He Who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit Who lives in you.” (Romans 8:11)
You’re welcome, world! I was blessed to be the bearer of this fruit of my womb. And, now we all can enjoy the benefits of knowing a gal who walks, talks and lives the resurrection life that Christ came to give all of us! Happy Birthday, my precious, full-of-resurrection-life, childlike CHILD! I love you so so much!
If you’d like to follow her on FB, go to: https://www.facebook.com/staciwallace