The Noble Bench
Nestled in the heart of East Texas, beneath expansive skies where fish leap from the lake and hummingbirds dance in the air, lies our treasured Epiphany Ranch, home to our kids, Larry and Staci. This slice of heaven on earth encases the beauty and serenity of God’s creation, making it our sweet spot for heaven on earth reflection and connection.
We came here yesterday to celebrate the 4th of July with our family. Besides the joys of being with my children and grandchildren, my eyes get to embrace the beauty of God’s creation here. My heart is full of joy in this big sky country!

During our last visit, my husband Carl and I sponsored this bench (one of eight that are strategically placed throughout the ranch). Each bench represents a sanctuary for meditation and prayer.
Our bench sits strategically on the prayer garden at the peak of what is lovingly called “Miracle Mountain,” overlooking the serene waters below. It’s more than just a seat; it’s a place to connect deeply with God and embrace peace that surpasses all understanding.

The plaque on our bench is inscribed with the words from Philippians 4:8 — “Whatever is true, NOBLE, right, pure, lovely, admirable—think about such things.” The bench invites all who rest here to P.R.A.Y. — Pause, Reflect, Ask, and Yield to God’s peace.
Our choice of scripture for the bench was inspired by our surname, Noble, reflecting our aspiration to embody nobility in our often tumultuous and unkind world. Amid political strife and challenges, this scripture serves as a personal call to focus on the pure and the positive.

As we sit on these benches, gaze upon the stars, watch fireworks, and interact with each other, we are reminded of our omnipresent God who isn’t hiding from us but is exploding His majesty, manifesting His glory all around us. It’s about opening our eyes to see Him, in scripture, in our daily encounters, and in the beauty that envelops us.
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…was blind but now I see!”