The Privileged Life

The Privileged Life

July 6, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Friends from our church invited us to visit their beautiful home nestled in the picturesque hill country that graces the shores of Lake Austin. With excitement, we accepted, ready for a day of adventure that included a leisurely cruise down the lake.

From their boat slip, we embarked on a guided tour, marveling at the magnificent homes lining the shore, including the impressive estate of Michael Dell, the founder of Dell Computers.

Along the way, cranes, ducks, geese and deer made appearances, as if to remind us we were in their domain. We docked at a lovely outdoor restaurant for dinner.

This day held more for us than we could have imagined. Gene and Dana Sellers’ beautiful home holds a treasure collection of stunning artwork.

A former trial lawyer and professional fine art photographer, Gene captures the world in breathtaking detail. Unlike the pixelated prints from my cell phone, Gene’s enlarged photos are masterpieces.

Our friends were the epitome of hospitality, giving us their undivided attention, treating us to dinner, gifting us with Yeti mugs, and making us feel like royalty. How could we have been so “privileged”?

Ah, “privileged”! It’s a term often reserved for those born into wealth or royalty. But our friends redefined it for us, embodying the scripture: “God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Humbled by their generosity, we realized that as children of God, we are blessed, favored, and privileged beyond measure. The good news is that when we receive Christ by faith, we become His children. “But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)

In Matthew 6, Jesus says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (privileges) shall be added to you.” Indeed, we are privileged to be children of the Most High God, who daily showers us with blessings.

P.S. Gene Sellers has traveled and photographed extensively in Europe, Iceland, and the Great American West. He is an international award-winning artist and is #12 in the world in Best of the Best Photographers in 2023. If you’d like to explore more of Gene’s incredible work, visit his website: