The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

November 18, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch

While we’ve had an uncanny year where “the norms” have become hanging close to home, socially distancing, zoom meetings, AND wearing those “wonderful” masks that I often forget and have to return to my car for one. Many famous and everyday famous because they were beloved family members and friends have passed on. But the show must go on for the rest of us. We’re still here so we’re not done!

I accidentally came across the last televised interview of legendary Jeopardy’s TV host, Alex Trebek. He died at 80, after battling pancreatic cancer. As I watched the interview with Alex and his wife of 30 years, I couldn’t help but notice how smart he really was, how funny, and how dedicated he was to the show. I saw clips of his routine of reviewing every clue for each show, rewriting them and giving them his own “flavor.” It also revealed that he would read the daily newspaper from cover to cover. Obviously, he craved knowledge and it showed. The pain he suffered from the disease was hidden when he stepped on stage. “The Show Must Go On” was his attitude. His last day in the studio was October 29th. He died November 9th.

I was most impressed with how Alex sought to promote the welfare of others, especially by hosting many charity events, and being so generous and benevolent. He was much more than a game show host – a beloved husband, father, and friend to the many who lived to watch Jeopardy each day. In his recently released autobiography, “The Answer Is . . . Reflections on My Life”, Alex stated his life motto: “A good education and a kind heart will serve you well throughout your entire life.” He lived out kindness. His assignment on earth ended, but he will be fondly remembered by all those who knew him.

RIP Alex Trebek! And, for the rest of us LLIP (live life in peace).
We’re still here so it’s no time for us to quit! Our assignments aren’t finished. And, especially during these times that we are living in — our assignments should surely include loving, being generous and peacemakers and kindness givers.

I heard a lot of songs and sermons about the beauty and splendor of heaven. It will be beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations. But if we’re not doing what we are supposed to be doing in the right here and now, we’ll be most miserable. Why be always thinking about our past and dreaming about the future, when our assignments aren’t finished yet?

The ‘SHOW” for us is our own journeys of faith. We should be always travelling on “roads” that take us to new places, new adventures, new friends, living large with our families, sharing God’s “good news” and celebrating this “abundant life” Christ came to give us. You’ll recognize me on the road. I’ll be the one with lights blinking, horn honking and banners waving and shouting “Move out of my way…I’ve got a race to run and I’m going to finish strong!”

After all, THE SHOW MUST GO ON!”