The Steps of a Good Man Are Ordered by the Lord
I send an early morning text message to my children every day. Yesterday, I texted my son: “’The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delights in his way.” Psalm 37:23. I went on to say: “I love this scripture because it describes you and how God delights in the steps that you take daily. I am so thankful for you and the leadership you give to your company, your family and so many others. I sure do love you and I’m so thankful for you.”
Psalm 37 was written by King David in the twilight of his life. He was writing from his experience of knowing and walking with God. He was looking back at his life of great victories and great failures. I’ve heard it said that we never learn much about ourselves during our times of victory, but who we are and what we’re really made of are in those times of failure when we’re forced to look deep in our hearts.
In that scripture, I realized that the emphasis is on the GOOD man (or woman). When we give our heart to the Lord, we embark on a journey of a specific plan that God has willed for each one of His children. We didn’t come into the family of God to wander aimlessly in life, but to do and be what He has planned for us.
I love the analogy of Christ as our Good Shepherd and we are supposed to be His GOOD sheep. He desires to take care of us and protect us, but remember that little renegade sheep that left the fold and wanted to do his own thing? The Good Shepherd didn’t let him stray too far. More than anything, He wants us to be His GOOD sheep so that we are out of harm’s way — the enemy’s way!
That is the picture of such great love that God has for us. Why wouldn’t we desire to be a “good sheep”, rather, a “good man or woman” who stays in right standing with his Father, his Good Shepherd, and whose faith is solely placed in He Who will go the nth degree to protect, love, and even die for Him?
Lord, may we bring you great joy and pleasure and may You delight in the ways we go daily so we can count on our steps and our ways being directed and ordered by You. Amen.