The Truth About Our Identity – Question 4

The Truth About Our Identity – Question 4

May 19, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

(Continued from the SHE – Girls Night Out and the last two days’ blogs)

4. Have there been times when you felt like you lost your identity? How did you then rediscover it?
It was probably when my husband graduated to heaven. We were always a couple since we were ages 12 and 13. We did everything together from pastoring, being missionaries and evangelizing, to fishing, household chores, caring for the children, and enjoying great trips together!

We were always together. We were always the ones encouraging others in their times of sickness and loss. So, when sickness came, we couldn’t just talk the talk — we had to walk the walk of faith. And we did. We never caved and lost our faith. Then, he passed on. He completed his assignment on this earth.

I had a choice to be a crying, depressed, grieving, lonely widow and my family and friends knowing me as that. Or I could be a joyful, merry widow who could inspire others to live the abundant life that Christ came to give us and enjoy the full life God promised.

I was still here so I wasn’t done and now I’m on assignment with a daily mission to blog the “good news” each day. And not only has it given me fuel for sharing the wisdom that I’ve received over the years, but every time I’m pointing to others, I’m getting that message myself and I’m getting stronger and stronger.

Every day is a new day. I have an identity of my own, but I’ll admit there are times that I still compare myself to others. The Apostle Paul said: “Follow me as I follow Christ.” That’s what I do. I want to follow Pastor Dana because I see her as a strong wife, mother and daughter who loves Jesus so much and desires to please Him so much.

I want to follow my sweet daughter here because she exudes so much peace and joy and contentment. I want to follow my friend Stephanie out there who is a recent widow. Just look at that smile on her face. Those women exude gratitude, are joy-filled, peace-filled, hope-filled and gratitude is first in their lives.

They live their faith out loud. I want that too! It’s part of our nature to compare, but we reel ourselves back in to God and His Word and what He says about us and we fuel our fires with His light and life.
I had only known married life as a couple since I was 17-years old.

My husband and I had many couple friends. Now I was the 5th wheel with those couples. The enemy is good at deceiving us into thinking we are lost causes. And, if I let him deceive me and keep me from the dearest friends I have, I would be most miserable. Instead, I shut the door on the enemy’s lies.

My dearest friends are couples who are my best friends. They want me with them. In fact, I have taken a 21-day cruise with one couple and a 14-day pilgrimage to Rome and the Holy Lands with another couple. There are lots of couples in the community where I live, and they want me to join them at their tables.

The enemy is good at telling us we’re not good enough, popular enough, pretty enough, strong enough, wise enough, wealthy enough. But I found when I lean into God, allowing Him to be my all-in-all 24/7 each day, then I discover that I’m stronger and braver than I ever thought I would be and loved more by others and by the One who loves me most.