They’re God’s Rough Draft
I couldn’t be here in Austin without a tale from my youngest grandson, Bryson. He introduced me to my new grand-guineas. At first sight, I thought they were white turkeys. Four of them. They were a gift from a friend to the family. Is “gift” the operative word? I’m not sure. Because the guineas are loud noise makers and don’t seem to have good manners. I asked Bryson, “Why would God make guineas then.” To which he replied: “They were God’s ‘rough draft’! He didn’t see any usefulness in them so he was about to renege when Gabriel saved their lives and here they are!” Oh me! That boy. My joy.
I determined to find out if they had any potential for having been created for something significant. Sure enough, Google says: “Like turkeys, guineas are another chicken-like bird. Ask those who keep guineas why they have them and you’ll get a different answer every time. Chicken and turkey farmers keep them to ward off predators. Ranchers turn them loose to discourage snakes. Country dwellers like the way they gobble down disease-carrying ticks. Orchardists use them to drive off marauding birds. Farmers put them to work patrolling for crop pests. Their eggs are delicious and if you’re really hungry, you can cook ’em up for a yummy meal. So, there you go! Finding out again about God’s Mastermind in creation AND us!

Sunday night, my two grandsons asked if I would take them to their “City Youth” youth night. And big brother, Brennan, asked if I would stay and come in to watch all that happens. I told their mom and she said, “Well, they never asked me to come watch!” I felt honored. I could see why they wanted to go – fun outdoor and indoor activities for a while before the church service started. Then I watched them with their hands lifted praising God, followed by a beautiful talk by Cassie, their youth pastor. Oh my! I was so blessed by her message that ties right into those noisy, but filled-with-potential guineas.
She started her talk with affirmations to all the youth: “God called me to you students. You brought healing to me. I had suicidal thoughts and depression and then God called me here. Think about the disciples. Jesus called them. Think fishermen. God chose them. He saw them as world changers with potential. 1 Peter 2:9 says “He chose YOU!” Okay, everyone sit up straight and raise your hands as high as you can. You can raise them higher. Great! Now go one-inch higher.” And those kids did. Cassie continued: “That is what is in you. You did it. You have more potential than you thought you did.”
And, now I share Cassie’s message and the guineas’ message to you today. Potential – you are full of it. Do you think you’re just “God’s rough draft”? You are NOT! You were planned to the nth degree – your eyes, nose, ears, hair-color, size, and features that are the exterior of the potential that is inside you.
Time to stretch another inch!