This is How We Fight Our Battles
After posting my blog yesterday, I quickly googled “Israel-Hamas War”. Fox News reported that the first plane from America, carrying U.S. ammunition, landed in Israel Tuesday night.
President Biden called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday, in the immediate wake of Hamas’ attack, to emphasize our country’s continued support for Israel as the country wages war against Hamas terrorist fighters following Saturday’s terror attacks that left more than 1,200 people in Israel, including 155 soldiers, dead.
Turkey’s deputy education minister Nazif Yilmaz wrote that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “will die.” And this is how nations fight their battles – with words, with attacks, with the loss of lives.
While the battles rage in our world, what about the bruises and scars from battles that we, ourselves, have been fighting? A friend asked if I would pray for her and her children to get along. And, God must be saying: “Oh, that all my children would get along!”
Battles are raging all around us – this Israel/Hamas War, our political world, families, marital, relational, physical and financial wars, etc. Did I hit on one of the battles you may be facing today?
I am reminded of a worship anthem entitled “Surrounded — This is How I Fight my Battles“ with words that we should take on: “This is how I fight my battles; It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by You.”
In 2nd Chronicles 20, the enemy forces were fast approaching Judah who was no match for the invaders. King Jehoshaphat called for prayer and fasting. Then Jahaziel, a young priest, prophesied with a loud voice, “The Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s! You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you!”
It was decided that singers should lead the troops into battle. Those singers were the barrier between the enemies and the army of Judah! That daring step of faith showed that they believed God would fight for them.
Jehoshaphat instructed the singers as they took their position. “Give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.” They were thanking God in advance for the victory He had promised the day before. They began to sing and praise and God caused the enemy forces to destroy each other. When the army of Judah overlooked the battlefield, they saw only dead bodies on the ground. No one had escaped.
This is how we can be a part of the Israeli/Hamas War and it is how we can be powerful in our personal lives today. Praise is the voice of faith. We may feel “surrounded” today…..BUT God!
We may think there is no way out, no way around and no way through. But let us not be dismayed. When it looks like we’re surrounded, may we remind the enemy how we fight our battles. We are surrounded by the Lord God of hosts as we praise and worship Him.
Praise is the voice of faith. If we really believe God has heard our prayers, we will start praising Him for the answer, even before we see it. When we’re tempted to get down and discouraged, let’s remember to fight our battles with praise and thanksgiving!
You may want and need to hear the song, “This is How I Fight My Battles”:
We praise and worship You our Lord God! We fight our battles today by worshipping and praising You. You are a great prayer-hearing, prayer-answering, covenant-keeping, miracle-working God. We believe in You. We believe that Jerusalem’s God is God. We believe our words have been heard for peace.
For the Glory of Yeshua,