This is What a “Comeback” Story Looks Like
It’s one thing to get inspired by this wall hanging in my daughter’s home, but it’s a testament to the words when you have a live and in-person comeback story that walks in your front door. These are Christina’s beautiful two grandsons who she is raising to be mighty men of God. They surprised me with love and this yummy red velvet cake on my birthday. And, now, today, it’s Christina’s birthday. I get to reciprocate the love here.
First of all, happy birthday to this beautiful gal, Christina Willis, who is someone this world should know, then endeavor to emulate the tenacity and determination of what an overcomer looks and acts like. Christina, I pray you are blessed beyond words for your commitment to changing lives daily. As a devoted follower of Christ, you serve passionately and are relentless in helping others have a comeback story, too. Carry on, sweet girl! Your best is yet to be! I love you so much! <3
Christina is a bright light that has exceeded our expectations in so many ways. If ever there was a story of God’s amazing grace that took someone from the lowest lows to the highest highs – that’s this gal’s story. In August, 2017, Christina was homeless and living in a hotel with her daughter and her two sons. They were struggling financially — evicted and homeless many times over the previous 20 years. Although she was attending church and Bible studies, she still felt lost and hopeless. She knew she needed someone to show her how to apply her faith and teach her life-skills to get her life turned around. Then she met my daughter, Staci. Christina started attending her “Mission Possible –Unlocking Your Full Potential” Bible study course that she had written.
From that first night of attending the class, Christina’s world began to change. It was as if God gave her sight after being blind for so many years. During the Mission Possible study, she was delivered from a major paranormal addiction and deep-rooted shame. She found forgiveness and freedom and learned how to forgive others, despite the years of rejection, abuse and brokenness she had experienced. She then began a journey of learning how to apply biblical wisdom to practical life choices in the organization my daughter heads up, EMwomen, a non-profit organization that equips and empowers women by helping them learn life-skills to become stronger leaders in the marketplace, their homes and community. EMwomen’s motto “Every woman has a story and every story can change the world” certainly is true for Christina.
There isn’t room here to share Christina’s full story, but suffice it to say, Christina’s life was radically and fully reversed (her COMEBACK). Christina shares: “My story began to transform when I began to make better choices. My alignment with EMwomen changed the trajectory of my life. The communication and life-skills I learned enabled me to get a job in the medical industry, making more money than I have ever made in my life.” Now she has a beautiful home and is raising her two beautiful grandsons.

Christina is now EMwomen’s Director of Outreach where she oversees programs that specifically reach single moms and girls who are running from domestic violence, struggling through abuse, homelessness or perhaps they have suffered from divorce or human trafficking or other areas that have held women from achieving God’s best.They are loved right where they are, but they are walked through spiritual deliverance, practical life-skills training and personal coaching to help them emerge from their past into quality jobs, better relationships and an abundant life in Christ.
Christina has found that rather than having been given just a fish, she was taught how to fish with the skills and spiritual fortitude necessary to thrive in life – and now she is paying it forward. Perhaps, it’s time to write your “comeback” story – where you rise out of the ashes and step up into the bright light of God’s mercy and love — where you consider where you’ve been and where you are now, and become a blessing to those who need to hear your story for God’s glory. Christina had a major comeback. So can anyone who is living in hopelessness and who would welcome God to be the Lord of your life. Perhaps you’ll have a comeback story that will change the trajectory of your life, too!