This is What Nobility Looks Like

This is What Nobility Looks Like

October 5, 2024 0 By Donna Wuerch Noble

Today I get to celebrate my NOBLE husband! It’s his birthday! It’s easy to talk about nobility when you have a name like NOBLE, but it’s much harder to live it out every day.

My husband, Carl Noble, does exactly that. By name and by character, he is a man of integrity, kindness, honor, faith, generosity, courage, bravery and strength.

Carl’s nobility doesn’t come from grand gestures or a need for recognition. Instead, it’s found in the small, consistent ways he lives his life – serving his Country, loving his family and friends, is an avid student of God’s Word, attends several Bible studies where he encourages his “brothers” and they encourage him.

He is a loyal Rotarian, Rotary International, who put their talk to actively making a difference in this world. He offers a smile or kind word to every stranger he meets.

AND, speaking of loyal — he is a diehard, unyielding, devoted and proud alumni of the Texas Tech Raiders! Guns UP!

In a world that often highlights strength, wealth, or talents, the true noble man stands apart. He is selfless, steady, and unwavering in his integrity, even when it goes unnoticed. He builds flourishing relationships and a life marked by service — leaving a legacy far beyond what meets the eye.

We need more men like Carl Noble in this world — noble men who care for others, stand up for what’s right, and walk humbly with God. Thank you, Carl, for being the incredible example of what it means to truly be NOBLE.

My dearest, Carl — your life is a gift, and your nobility shines through in all that you do. Thank you for choosing me to also be a recipient of all THAT nobility! I love you so much! Happy birthday!