To My Shawntel and Others of Graduating Seniors

To My Shawntel and Others of Graduating Seniors

May 24, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

To My Shawntel and Other Moms with Graduating Seniors (Men, please read on, too!)

Today I’m thinking about my beloved daughter, Shawntel, my son, Ryan’s wife. A year ago, she and I attended the Regents School of Austin’s Senior Baccalaureate (first two pics here). The juniors were there to receive their stoles from the seniors.

Both of us were tearing up. We witnessed the upper classmen bestowing the stoles on the juniors. We visualized this happening next year for Brennan when he would be a senior bestowing his stole to a junior. This year has flown by and, tomorrow, (Thursday, May 25th), we will be attending his Seniors’ Baccalaureate.

As common as it sounds, the years have flown by. Once tiny preschoolers and able to buckle their seat belts, are now driving off in their cars to grand life adventures. How can it be?

What’s a Mama caught in this stage of parenting do with changes just around the corner? I’ve witnessed Shawntel pour into Brennan’s senior year with gusto. She volunteered to serve, to encourage and to motivate her own young man and other young people.

At Brennan’s Regents School of Austin, every senior must prepare a 20-minute Senior thesis, deliver it to a panel of judges and be judged for their efforts. Last Wednesday night was Brennan’s thesis. It was not an overnight preparation.

It took weeks to prepare. Mama Shawntel, was Brennan’s wing-woman. She championed him, prepared with him, and counseled him. It was as though she was the thesis giver. She arranged for several groups of people to hear his thesis. And, ultimately, Brennan was successful in his final thesis delivery. Mom and Brennan succeeded! And, please take note of the 20+ family and friends who were there to cheer Brennan on!

Whether your daughter or son is getting ready to head off to college or work or another plan, I think all our heart strings pull hard in this season. I am the grandmother, and my heartstrings are being stretched.

Coming from a distant past, I’d like to give some reassurance to you moms (and dads) today! First, please realize motherhood and fatherhood are never over!

I think whoever dreamed of this notion of the finish line at 18 years old certainly did Moms a favor. I think focusing on that goal fueled Shawntel for senior year. But, for sure, once the cap and gown are taken off after the graduation ceremonies, there will still be a young man who stills needs his mama – just differently.

Hear me out, Moms! You are not done at graduation. You get to begin again in an entirely new way. I understand deep down you wonder if it was all enough, if it was all balanced, and for crying out loud, are they prepared for what comes next!? (Insert wailing, stressing, Googling ‘what to do if/when’, and other coping mechanisms sometimes known to Moms in this stage.)

Your successes as a Mom lie not in choices your young adult makes. Your success lies in knowing you “raised them up in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from them.” (Proverbs 22:6)

And Mom and Dad, this milestone is yours too. Have you considered this? Long ago you chose to partner with the Almighty. Your heart in His. You both looked upon this human soul, made in His image, and began a great adventure.

So now, as my little “suggestion session” comes to a close, I leave you with this thought – pause enough to celebrate these days and times. Celebrate who your child is becoming, celebrate the journey which led you here to graduation.

Receive this God-gift for yourself as well. Laugh, cry, and trust you’ll have what you need for the next steps ahead. God has got YOU and your wonderful graduate. Well done, good and faithful, servants (aka parents and grandparents and overseers)!