To Walk Humbly
I had a wake-up call for myself. Inward inspection. Outward expression of desiring to be the best version of myself that I can be. Amazing how God loves us so much that He doesn’t let us continue to carry on – unlike Him.
Catch my drift! Often, I act out! Oh, yes, I do. I’ll act in ways that don’t highlight who I should be as a child of God. I’ll hurry to be the first one in line, the one who must be the first one to get the front seat on the bus, the one who asks for the window seat at the restaurant, and mercy me, to get seats on the first rows at an event or even at church.
Oh, how I need to scale back this need to exceed, the need to win at any cost, and the need to speak up when I should shut up!
Yes, I had a “come to Jesus meeting” that I needed – royally! More than anything, I desire to be like Jesus, act like Him, talk and sound like Him, and walk like Him.
In conversation with other folks last week on our cruise, the subject of what the right way is to hang a toilet paper roll. One guy spoke up that he heard a friend say that he cut the paper roll in half so that one side went back, and the other side went forward. Yikes!
We saw many “confession booths” in several of the churches we visited last week. Well, today, I am CONFESSING that I need to stop needing to have things go MY WAY on so many levels.
It is an erroneous belief that OUR WAY is the best way of doing things and then insisting others agree with us. Guilty, as charged. Thirteen years a widow and doing it my way worked just fine. BUT NOT, in what matters most.
It is a part of our human nature to want to have our way. We all have a touch of the need to be right. But, I know it is time to ask myself: “Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy? Do I want to get my way, or do I want to feel a closeness with others?”
Who wants to be a know-it-all when there’s only one KNOW-IT-ALL? He is Father God. When we do it God’s way… humility and love… WILL BE His way….and the BEST WAY! Thanks, God, for showing me what that looks like:
“He has shown you, oh man (and wo-man), what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)