Too Much Noise — Too Little Hearing God’s Voice
Back to reality from being away in our favorite fishing location. Wifi is spotty there – so not the place to be for being entertained by current world events. But, who cared? We were immersed in the beauty and sounds of creation. It just seemed God’s quiet voice could be heard there so much easier.
So, back to my routine here at home. Instead of choosing the silence to hear His voice, I put in my new cordless ear buds, silenced the sounds of the great outdoors and let my upbeat Christian music blare in my ears. The first song was too loud. I turned the volume down. Second song was too slow and I got the message from Heaven Central. I could sense God wanted my undivided attention. As soon as I “unplugged” while walking westward at 5:55 am – the most incredible view of the moon going down came into vision. It was like the Man in the Moon was winking at me – all bright with his orange glow. Then I looked eastward, and there was God showing off His artistry with an incredible sky painting. It took my breath away.
I posted those two heaven-sent views yesterday with the confession that I almost missed it all because of the noise. I posted: “I think God is saying something to me and you. Let’s shut out the noise and listen and watch for Him in the middle of it all.” I sincerely got the message: “less noise – more Him”.
I’ve come to terms with God being a quiet God. Yes, He speaks, but He seems to say it best when He chooses to communicate through His creation. I know He is free to speak loud and boisterous like when He blasted out: “I Am that I Am” to Moses, but He most often chooses to speak in quiet ways. Though He wows our eyes with His masterpieces, He usually reveals Himself to our ears — quietly.
All around us, humanity is shouting and screaming about something they agree or disagree with — while God whispers His presence and reveals His character through the brother and sisterhood we are witnessing as well. This noisy world, and our quiet God, are a reason so many people don’t believe God is real or loving. Having not heard from Him, they assume He doesn’t exist. But He does…He just speaks with a softer voice than the crass, loud voices.
If ever humanity needs to pay attention to hear God speaking, it is today. If we aren’t intentional in seeking to hear His voice, we will likely never hear Him. Not in this culture. Not in the noisyness of our times. I am convinced that our gracious heavenly Father speaks to every one of His children constantly, giving us all the information and guidance we need to be total overcomers. There isn’t a problem with His transmitter; it’s our receiver that needs help.
Most people are imploring God to speak, when it’s our hearing that needs to be adjusted. Taking this faith-stance that God is speaking and then learning to listen and obey will transform our relationship with the Lord. It could save our lives.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27