Using Our Lightning-Fast Minds

Using Our Lightning-Fast Minds

September 25, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

I’m remembering today with MY “not as fast-lightning mind” as I once had. In the 90s, as the Associate Director of Communications at the University of Manitoba, I received this Inuit stone carving in appreciation for the “innovative idea” I had for bringing in “voice mail” to the university, as well as an intra-campus courier service.

Of course, we should have great ideas for witty inventions and innovations if we actually use our minds that were made in the image of our Great Innovator and Creator. Just think about the brilliant minds of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos in this generation and how they took the limits and restrictions off their minds and CREATED.

Oh, that we would put our thoughts to good use to meet needs and create solutions to problems instead of negative thoughts and actions that think “No way can that be done!” We can put these God-given brains and minds to good use if we realize the potential that lies inside us. St. Paul told us how to use our “thinkers”.

Philippians 4:8 “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, THINK about these things.”

Imagine a world where we thought only about “these things”. It would be a world that creativity flowed consistently and where we honored God with our thoughts and then the words and actions of that honor would produce world changers and history makers.

These thoughts regarding being a creator and thinker were spawned from knowing Lee Rosenlund, our dear friend and father to my daughter’s best friend. He is one of those thinkers. He just turned 81 years old, Really, in his case, age is just a number! He lives in the community where we live and he is known as a DOER!

Lee doesn’t use his garage for his car. He uses it as his workshop. That’s where he is always innovating, building, tweaking this or that to make it better. He built a beautiful photography studio in his daughter’s backyard for her to welcome those who want a place for family or individual photos.

He built a skateboard ramp for a young friend, a tree house for his grandkids, AND the “Family Tree” he made from a slice of a real tree, added all the family names and a family treasure was birthed.

I’ll never forget when he brought me a new tool that he just made. It was for easy-opening of jars and bottles. He is using what God gave him. Shouldn’t we use these minds of ours in the same way?
Maybe write that book that’s been on your heart for a long time or coming up with a great idea for your child or grandchildren for their next school project. We have those projects in our minds. We just need to use what God has given us to inspire, motivate and create!

That’s using our “thinkers” for good!! What if we only allowed creativity and good thinking to come into our minds? Just imagine a home where the wife and mom used her mind to create “systems” that caused her home to function better.

Just imagine freeing up our minds of the useless trash and negative thinking to open the door of our minds to be “thinkers” of possibilities. If we don’t use them — we just might end up saying “I’ve LOST my mind!”