Using our Talents
Jesus told the Parable of the Talents to remind us of the importance of using the gifts and talents He’s given us. In the story, the servants who wisely used their talents were praised with, “Well done, good and faithful servants… enter into the joy of the Lord!” (Matthew 25:23)
But the one who buried his talents? Not so much. It’s not about the amount we are given but how we use what we have that truly matters.
So, what talents have you been given? Can you whip up a meal that could make a chef weep with joy? Why not teach your kids and grandkids to cook? Imagine the family meals and memories you’ll create! Imagine the homebound person that would love a home-cooked meal?
Are you a sports enthusiast? Use that passion to coach and encourage others. Join a youth club and help kids discover their abilities and strengths. Got a knack for art? Keep honing your skills and share your creativity with the world.
We are stewards of our wealth — broadly speaking, our abilities and talents, not just material possessions. If I can write and speak well, those are talents entrusted to me. I could bury them out of fear, or I could step out of my comfort zone and use them to inspire others. It’s like having a treasure chest and deciding to hide it away instead of opening it up and sharing the riches inside.
We shouldn’t just coast through life relying on what we’ve already learned. There is skill, talent, and potential put in us by our Creator. The key is we have to develop it!
If we are faithful, not only will we hear our Lord say, “well done”, but according to Matthew 25:29, “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have abundance. But from those who are unfaithful, even what little they have will be taken away.”
Using our talents doesn’t just benefit us — it blesses others and honors God. So, let’s dust off those hidden talents, step out in faith, and make the most of the gifts we’ve been given. Out talent could be the answer to someone else’s prayer.
Let’s get to work and multiply our blessings AND our talents together!