Walk By Faith — Not By Sight

Walk By Faith — Not By Sight

January 15, 2025 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

“We walk by faith, not by sight.” – 2 Corinthians 5:7
What powerful words to anchor our hearts and minds as we high step our way through this new year! Walking by faith isn’t just a stroll in the park — it’s an adventure! It stretches us, surprises us, and reminds us that God’s ways are not only higher than ours but often way more creative.

Walking by faith means trusting God’s plan, even when it feels like we’re navigating a maze in the dark. It’s like stepping onto an escalator that isn’t moving — we trust that it’ll carry us forward (and maybe even up a floor or two!) Oh, but I’ve walked up the escalator even when it wasn’t moving! God’s plan must have meant I needed the exercise!

Faith nudges us to hold tight to the dreams God has planted in our hearts, even when the waiting feels like standing in line for our morning coffee — forever long, but oh so worth it!

Take Noah, for example: building an ark before rain was even a thing. Imagine the neighbors’ reactions: “What’s he up to now?” Or Abraham, holding onto the promise of being a father of nations at 100 years old. These stories don’t just showcase God’s faithfulness; they remind us that faith often looks a little wild before it blooms into something wonderful.

Walking by faith means stepping out of our comfort zones, letting go of the steering wheel, and letting God be our ultimate GPS. (Spoiler alert: His directions sometimes take us off-road, but it’s always the scenic route!)

Sure, it can feel a bit chaotic — like trying to assemble furniture with no instructions (been there and done that), but it’s in those moments that we discover God’s ways are higher than our ways!

Too often, we try to squeeze God into our tidy little boxes of expectation. But when we stop wrestling with our timelines and start trusting His, we unlock a plan that’s beyond anything we could dream up. His timing is never late. It’s always right on time, even if it feels like He’s taking the long way around.

So, let’s take the first step. It might feel tiny, or it might feel like a giant leap, but it’s always a step toward God’s best for us. Remember: faith doesn’t ask us to see the whole picture. It simply asks us to trust the One holding the brush.

Let’s take those steps today, knowing this: God’s love never fails, His timing is flawless, and His plans are nothing short of amazing. And along the way, let’s enjoy the journey — it’s all part of His masterpiece.