Was Jesus at Your Table?
This day after Thanksgiving comes with relaxation for those that poured their hearts and souls into their grand Thanksgiving feast day. They prepared for the day — baking, cooking, cleaning up – with the best part that makes it all worth it, being so thankful to serve and embrace family time together.
Relaxation on this day isn’t necessarily about easing back in a recliner. It may mean “Black Friday sales and getting the biggest bang for their bucks!” They have their game faces on and they are in it to win it. But, for our family, it is a Good Friday because my Austin gang got in last night to enjoy our traditional day after Thanksgiving time together. Traditionally, they go to Shawntel’s 94-year-old grandmother’s where over 50 family members come together every year on Thanksgiving Day. So beautiful.
I am thankful to be here in Rusk, TX at Epiphany Ranch with my daughter and family and women who live here. We had a yummy, traditional turkey and all the trimmings. We held to our annual tradition as each one at the table shared their “thankful” reasons.
I saw Jesus sitting with us at the table as we praised and thanked Him. Scripture says in Psalm 22:3 “God inhabits the praises of His people!” When we are thanking and praising our Lord, He takes a seat at the table with us.
Today we’ll enjoy our traditional “Good” Friday meal – my Waikiki meatballs and fixin’s plus the ever-requested snickerdoodles, peanut butter kisses, and chocolate chip cookies and my chocolate cake. Not traditional to Thanksgiving, but to this family. Again, we’ll welcome Jesus to the table with us.
In Luke 19:41-42, Jesus is weeping over Jerusalem because the people were missing Him. He, their greatest gift, had been with them every day, talking with them, feeding them, teaching them, loving them. And now they missed Him. Many knew Him from childhood. They knew who His parents were, where He grew up, and what He did for a living. He wasn’t all that impressive to them. Our Lord was among them, and they didn’t notice Him.
And here’s a very important matter to consider. Because every person is created in the image and likeness of God, our Lord visits us in everyone we encounter. Every. Single. Person. Did you miss Him at your dinner table yesterday? You know, the one who served and waited on you after working for days on a meal that is consumed in a matter of minutes? Or did you miss Him in the one who sat at the table with people all around, yet they felt alone in their worries and concerns.
Did you, by chance, get past “passing the sweet potatoes” to take a moment to put your arm around them because you saw Jesus in them. Oh, pray tell, you noticed Him. “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty. and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35
The closer we get to Jesus, the more we’ll recognize Him in both strangers and those who eat at the table with us. The more of Jesus in us makes us more aware of His presence in other people. If we truly deeply care about others, as Jesus cared about others, we’ll pattern our lives after Him. Jesus with us. Jesus beside us in our car. Jesus with us at work. Jesus in you and me to be His hands, His voice, His arms, His feet. Jesus, we see YOU!