We Need a Governor

We Need a Governor

October 4, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

I’m not talking about the upcoming governor elections but a device that keeps us at bay!

It’s Friday, September 23rd, and it is smooth sailing aka driving as I make my way to Frisco, TX where I will be speaking to a beautiful group of women there.

I am keeping up with the motorists who are going about 80 mph in the 75 mph speed zone. A state trooper in front of this line of cars set the pace for us. We are tracking with him.

Then I notice other cars behind us are not satisfied at the speed we are going so they make their moves to drive past us — weaving in and out of the lanes. But THEN, they see the state trooper and “Hello, common sense!” They quickly join our “pack”! That state trooper is their “governor”, too!

And isn’t a “governor” what we need in our lives? When I drove around the golf course and other beautiful areas in Cabo, I took the golf cart for my expeditions. I assure you I wanted it to move faster than it did, but the golf cart had a speed governor which makes perfect sense for keeping me/us from recklessness.

I’m ashamed to confess that driving isn’t my “patience zone”. I am working on it. Good thing my car has a governor on it called “cruise control”. And, it also has lane controls that keeps me inside the lane. “Control” is the operative word. I need some-one or some-thing to keep me under control.

Oh, but I do have Someone! He is the Holy Spirit and when I am conscious of Him, He IS my Governor and my Controller in helping me make daily right decisions. Decisions about not going “there”, or reading “that”, or acting like “that”, or saying “that”, or doing “that” because of my Governor.

In John 14:15-16, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to us: “If you love Me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.”

How’s that for governorship? Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus consistently reminds us of how to live. So many blessings are ours when we allow our Governor to govern us – doing our best to stay in the sweet spot of grace upon grace.”

God is having a little talk with me today. And I’m taking it in and doing my best to stay in sync with Holy Spirit as my Governor. Always.