We’ve Got the Power
I can’t help myself. I am still living in the wonders and miracles of our Lord’s Easter/Resurrection life AND in our resurrection life. Colossians 1:13 says “He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us safe into the kingdom of His dear Son.”
God was in control when He placed Jesus into Mary’s womb. God was in control when Jesus was born and placed in a manger. God was in control when Jesus grew up, became a miracle-worker, and then went to the cross to die for us.
We all know some kinds of setbacks. But that’s when God orchestrates a set-up for our greatest comeback EVER. We witnessed that when we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord. It was the greatest comeback ever. God was in control!
The greater the setback — the greater the comeback. I mean, seriously, think about Jesus’ death on the cross. It was a setback; unlike anything the disciples could have imagined. It was all over for them, and they hid in fear. But joy came in the morning when the greatest comeback ever took place. Jesus rose from the dead and we were the winners right along with Him. He lives to give us His comeback power!
Romans 6:10-11. “The Spirit of God, Who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” PRAISE the LORD!
On the cross, Jesus destroyed Satan’s power to control our minds, our lives, and our destiny. When Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30), Satan should have said, “I’m finished.” His days are numbered!
Jesus has won the victory over death and Satan. But if we don’t have the power of Christ in our life, then we are defenseless against Satan. He can manipulate our emotions. He can mess with our minds. He can get us addicted to all kinds of crazy stuff. We are powerless without Christ in our lives.
Satan has two favorite tools to whip us around: temptation and condemnation. He uses temptation by minimizing sin: “It’s no big deal! Everybody does it!” Satan doesn’t have to speak out loud. He just puts those ideas in our minds. When God gives us an idea, it’s called inspiration. When Satan puts an idea in our mind, it’s called temptation.
Then, the moment we cave to temptation, the dumb devil reverses his strategy and starts playing the “blame game” on us. “You did that! Forget God. He will never love you again. It’s over. God can never use you. That is so big, you’ll never be forgiven for that!”
On the cross, when Jesus Christ said, “It is finished,” he defeated temptation and condemnation. Now, He gives us the power to resist the enemy’s lies. Jesus’ death and resurrection were a fatal blow to Satan.
If we have Jesus Christ in our lives, then Satan has zero power over us except the areas that we choose to give him. The dirty, rotten liar, incessantly, taps our heart’s door to let him in with his guilt, worry and fear tactics. We MUST padlock the door. NO ENTRY HERE!
With God’s power in our lives, the chains of the enemy are null and void:
“Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.”
We have the power to say “NO! You are messing with the wrong blood-bought, Child of God! We’ve got the power!