Worship = Blessings
I promise — just one more thought about the Wise Men! What amazes me most about their story is this: after worshiping the newborn King, “…being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way.” (Matthew 2:12).
That verse carries two powerful truths.
First, after worshiping Jesus, God revealed the danger ahead. Herod’s sinister plan to kill all the baby boys didn’t catch God off guard. Out of their worship, the Wise Men received divine guidance, sparing their lives and the Christ Child’s. When we come to God in worship, surrendering our hearts, doesn’t He also meet us in that secret place? Worship opens the door to His wisdom and protection.
And here’s the good news: God doesn’t play favorites. If He warned the Wise Men, why wouldn’t He do the same for us? He sees the Herods in our lives—those pitfalls, wrong turns, and heartbreaks we can’t foresee. Worship invites His direction, gently nudging us to go another way.
The second truth? The Wise Men actually listened. They obeyed, altering their plans. How often do we hold tight to our own agendas, charging ahead like we’ve got it all figured out? Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, “A man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
Let’s be honest, our plans often need tweaking (or scrapping altogether). Like the Wise Men, we’re wise to trust God when He redirects us. Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delights in his way.” When God reroutes us, it’s always for our good.
Imagine the disasters He spares us from—detours, potholes, dead ends—all because we surrender and follow His lead. God’s path isn’t just the safest; it’s the best.
So, as we worship the King of Kings, let’s tune our hearts to His voice. He knows the shortcuts, the secret passageways, and the safest routes to our destiny. And remember, as any wise child of the Father knows: He always knows best.