You Are Now Entering Your Mission Field

You Are Now Entering Your Mission Field

August 6, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

My two youngest grandsons are in Gitega, Burundi Africa with the Mission SOS team for nine days. Each day they go out in teams to share the love and good news of Jesus, and invite people to a nightly festival where the Gospel is shared and people are being healed, delivered, and baptized. I know my boys’ lives and the lives of thousands of people will never be the same!

I heard the story of someone who had a heartfelt desire to go on a missions trip. Another someone desired to open a Food Pantry. In both cases, door after door slammed on their noble and worthwhile ideas.

But, we don’t have to wait for lofty ideas to manifest. Instead of waiting on all the right answers, the right buildings and the right teams — why not start right now with volunteering at local missions or food banks or donating food and items to a charity right where you live? Those dreams and the action taking place right now are planting seeds for the dreams we might have for the future.

Quite often, we have the plan all figured out and THEN, we invite God to come along and join in that plan. But, God is the Pilot NOT the Co-Pilot of our lives.

I am thoroughly enjoying volunteering at the Vincentian Family Center — food pantry and thrift store. A local ministry that does all it can right here in Austin, TX. Right here and now, we can be used by God to touch people’s lives all around our city.

From personal experience, I remember time after time that we put together the plan, made business cards, brochures, signs and acquired the offices. The problem was, we forgot to bring our CEO in on the grandiose ideas. Sometimes the “good” ideas aren’t the “God” ideas. We usurped our ideas instead of getting His plans and ideas. When He pilots our ship or airplane, we can be sure He will position us for the most success at the right time.

The good news is, as soon as we walk through the door of our homes, we are entering our mission fields. Missions: an important assignment carried out for going out into the world and spreading faith and good news.

Jesus said in Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” That means around the world and right here where we live. I love St. Francis of Assisi’s words: “Preach the Gospel at all times, and sometimes use words”.

What is our mission field? I believe it is to everyone that we encounter on a daily basis. The clerk at the store, little children, the homebound, the family next door, the yard man, our own families and friends, our neighbors — to anyone we have the opportunity to BE A BLESSING and to share the LIGHT of Christ.

Perhaps, we need to develop a Mission Statement for our lives that keeps us focused on our calling to missions. In Genesis 12, God made His covenant with Abram. He told Abram that He will make him into a great nation and that He will bless him. And then, what God says to him in the last part of verse 2 just may be our Mission Statement, too. “You will be a blessing.”

That’s it — whatever we do, wherever we go, whoever we encounter, our mission is “TO BE A BLESSING”. Isn’t that a great way to live? On purpose, outside of us four, and no more — TO BE A BLESSING here in Austin, Texas or there where you are — in your school or office building or community club or PTA or YMCA — BE A BLESSING, and in doing that…..we will be IN OUR MISSION FIELD!