Love is in the Air — So Let’s Breathe It In! 
Love is in the Air — So Let’s Breathe It In!
Ah, February — when store shelves explode with pink and red, the floral businesses boom, and the airwaves are drenched in love songs. And speaking of love songs, my heart can’t help but do a little two-step when I hear Tom Jones croon:
“Love is in the air, everywhere I look around… Love is in the air, every sight and every sound…”
Now, I know Tom was likely singing about some smitten lovebirds, but humor me for a second! What if we sang those lyrics to the Lover of our souls? Because, truly, every sight and every sound declares His love! From the whisper of the trees to the roar of the waves, from the rising of the sun to its setting — it’s all His love song to us!
So, this month of love, let’s shift the focus from roses and romance to real love — the kind that’s for everyone. No plus-one required.
Too often, we get caught up thinking love is only for couples but let me tell you — love isn’t limited to candlelit dinners and heart-shaped chocolates. Love is meant to be given freely to everyone we encounter.
A smile at a stranger? That’s love.
Holding the door open? Love.
Texting a friend just to say, “Thinking of you”? Love.
Giving someone the last slice of pizza when you really wanted it? Now that’s true sacrificial love!
Love is as simple as seeing people — really seeing them — and making them feel valued. What if we all made a conscious effort this month to spread love wherever we go? To look people in the eye and silently say, “I see you, and you matter.”
And while we’re at it, let’s put it in writing. Send a love note (or at least a heartfelt text) to the people who have walked beside us — who inspire us, pray for us, laugh with us, cry with us, and remind us we are not alone.
So, let’s make February more than just a Valentine’s Day affair. Let’s make it a love revolution! And let me start by saying I love YOU — my dear friends and family. You bring light to my world, joy to my heart, and countless reasons to be grateful.
May you know the overwhelming, never-ending, boundless love of God — not just this month, but always.
“God’s love is so great that it gives people the power to love others.” 1 John 4:19