Healing by Helping Others

Healing by Helping Others

April 19, 2024 0 By Donna Wuerch

When I am hurting, who do I think of most? ME!

I check my text messages right after I post my blog each morning. This day’s message from my son made me hurt for my youngest grandson. “Our Bryson had quite an accident today. They all went to the lake. Bryson was climbing up a building to jump off into the lake. A piece of steel was hanging out and sliced his foot almost to the bone. Six stitches later. (I spared you the photo, but YIKES!)

My text back to Bryson: “Oh my goodness! Bryson! Ouch! So sorry it happened but now you’ll have a war scar to show and tell YOUR kids to look before they jump! I sure do thank God that it wasn’t even worse! Love you so much, sweet man!” Of course we had to go comfort him asap! The patient is mending, pain is less, and lesson learned!

It’s our nature, because we’re hurting, to want to be comforted. I know the comfort of being cared for when I’ve been sick in my body and in my soul.

When we’re in pain, God wants us to love like He does. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, He was in enormous physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. He was carrying all the sins of the world! But in His dying moments, He recognized the pain of others.

He prayed, “Father forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing.” (Luke 23:34). And He said to the man next to Him, “Today you will be with Me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43). He also made sure John would take care of His mother. When He was in agony, He was thinking of others.

God’s Word tells us to have the same attitude as Jesus. (Philippians 2:5) That means, when we’re in pain, we should be praying and reaching out to others who are in pain. That’s a hard one. How do we look at the pain of others when we’re in pain? The same way Jesus did. And, with God’s grace, we become more like Jesus. (1 Peter 4:1)

When I needed encouragement, God brought many people into my life. Then it was my turn. I started reaching out to others and God gave me purpose and hope.

Are you hurting today? Is your mind solely on your pain and sorrow? Then I encourage you to find someone that you can help by your presence as you invite God’s presence into their lives. God can use our pain, to help others struggling with the same pain.

Galatians 6:2 calls us to “bear one another’s burdens.” Doesn’t that sound just like Jesus? Make me more like You, Jesus! Give me a heart that’s filled with love and make me more like You!