The Highway to Connection
This photo is of the highway that leads in or out of Red River, NM where we’re enjoying a week of glorious weather, fishing, sight-seeing, and quality family time. Reconnecting with my childhood buddy, my cousin and her husband, has meant so much to me. And, Staci and Larry have reconnected with them after many…
Getting a Breather from the Heat
Red River, New Mexico – Here we are at the Sangre de Christo Mountains aka Blood of Jesus Mountains at the town of Red River. That gives me holy chilly bumps to know we are surrounded and covered by the “blood of Jesus” in God’s creation and in His blood that keeps us healthy and…
Promises Made. Promises Kept.
I promise you….if elected, I’ll…..I promise you….for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, till death parts us…..I promise you….I’ll never tell your secret….I promise you….I’ll be at your game (recital, performance).…I promise you….I’ll be there right on time….You know – all those promises someone made, or we made, maybe…
Pick Your Battles
Have you heard the phrase “Pick your battles?” Oh, I have certainly spared myself grief because I stayed silent when giving my opinion could have cost me my peace. And I have also chosen to speak my mind and wished I hadn’t afterwards. It wasn’t worth the battle that ensued. My dear sis-in-law and I…
The World of Virtual Reality
I thought I had seen just about everything until I played in a virtual reality world. Virtual reality is a simulation of a three‐dimensional image or environment that you (Hannah and me, in this case) can interact within this seemingly real way using special electronic equipment, like helmet/goggles with a screen inside or gloves fitted…