Every Place We Live Can Be Bethlehem

December 14, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

 My post today was inspired by a dear friend and wonderful encourager, Carolyn Cline Boyle. She is radiant, joy-filled and exudes the love of Christ every time I see her. She is also one of my followers on Facebook. Her comments after my post, yesterday, were especially meaningful to me. My post was entitled “Mary, Did You Know?” This was Carolyn’s comment to that post:

“Every morning your words bring me back to the meaning of this beautiful season. Life is moving so quickly, the world is so full of conflict and struggle and I need to realign my reason for being, when all this is swirling around. We have a manger scene in almost every room and I am going to take a deep breath and take time at each one with a special prayer each day. I am so blessed to have this world of faith “cocooning” me and I am so blessed to read your words, dear Donna!”

I shared those words with you not to impress you, but to impress upon you what I heard. Carolyn said she was going to take a deep breath at her manger scenes and offer a special prayer. I, too, have many nativity/manger scenes that I strategically place in my living, dining and kitchen area, but I moved them about my home to the bedrooms, office and even my bathrooms after I read her comments. I want my own journey to Bethlehem and the manger to inspire me and my visitors in every room.

When my now 16-year old granddaughter, was about 4 years old, she loved playing with all the characters in my larger nativity set. One day she started to play and baby Jesus was missing. She went into panic mode “Baby Jesus is gone. Where is Baby Jesus?” she cried. We later realized her big brother (age 5 years old at the time) had hidden baby Jesus from her. It was finally a “Silent Night, Holy Night” when Jesus was returned to His manger.

The Christmas Story is much more than a nativity set. It is a picture of how close Christ will come to us. The first stop on His itinerary was Mary’s womb. Christ grew in Mary until He came out. And, Jesus gives us the same offer. “If you’ll let Me, I’ll move into you.” He is IN us and I pray He will come out in our speech, in our actions, in our decisions. Then, not just in the manger scenes, but Bethlehem will be in every place we live, and every day we live will be a Christmas when you and I, like Mary, will deliver Christ to our world.

“Christ in YOU, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Let every heart prepare Him room.