A Little Chat about Grace

A Little Chat about Grace

September 9, 2024 0 By Donna Wuerch Noble

I live in God’s grace. I just know it. We all do! No matter what kind of mistake(s) we make, there is always a solution for restitution. It comes in the form of grace.

It is God’s grace that heals and restores. He exchanges our tarnished slate for a fresh, clean slate so we can begin again. Mistakes are inevitable, but the good news for us as God’s repentant kids, our mistakes are forgivable. THAT is GRACE so amazing! God can even turn those mistakes to something good.

Romans 8:28 reminds us that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” That’s not just a nice sentiment to crochet on a pillow — it’s a promise.

God takes our blunders and turns them into something beautiful. Imagine that! Our God is so big and so loving that He can transform our oops moments into beauty!

God’s grace is like a divine reset button. We all stumble. We all make mistakes, but God’s grace steps in with a fresh, clean slate every single time. It’s like spilling coffee on our favorite shirt, and somehow, miraculously, the stain just disappears. That’s grace — except it’s way more than just laundry; it’s our lives.

Maybe the stuff of life is being thrown at you — like the media or your co-workers or your friends or family seem just too much to handle, and it seems there’s no hope for tomorrow. I have good news for you. You are not alone. The ONE who created you and loves you and wants your life to be full of joy, peace and happiness…LIVES!

So go ahead, look tomorrow square in the eye and say, “I’m alive! I live in the abundance of God’s grace, and that grace has me!” Because it does. Every single day.